Jenny Ombler

Jenny is a Research Fellow at the New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities, and He Kāinga Oranga/Housing and Health Research programme. Her research interests include governance and policy, urban form, homelessness, social justice and human rights. She has a background in critical theory and international relations.

Jenny has been involved in the Resilient Urban Futures programme (Drivers of Urban Change strand; Cities in New Zealand book) and the Housing First research programme.

Jenny has recently begun a PhD on the right to housing.

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Key publications

  1. Jiang, T. Nelson, J. McMinn, C. Hawkes, K. Atatoa Carr, P. Pehi, T. Schick, K.
    Five-Year Post-Housing Outcomes for a Housing First Cohort in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
    International Journal on Homelessness, 2024, 4(1): page 1-17
    4(1), 1-17.
  2. He Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing.
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
  3. Chun, S. Johnson, E. McMinn, C.
    Post-housing first outcomes amongst a cohort of formerly homeless youth in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
  4. Chun, S.
    Outcomes for Māori clients in the Housing First programme in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    International Journal of Population Data Science,
  5. Hinckson, E. Duncan, S. Ka’ai, K. Ivory, V. Yates, A.
    Submission on Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development (GPS-HUD).
    NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities, AUT, Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities National Science Challenge, Wellington
  6. Submission on Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development (GPS-HUD).
    New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities, Wellington
  7. Gyde, E. Pedersen Zari, M. Perry, M.
    Current and future green space supply and demand in central Wellington City, New Zealand.
  8. Submission to the Environment Select Committee on the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill.
    Wellington: New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities
  9. Gyde, E. Pedersen Zari, M. Perry, M.
    Green Space in Wellington’s Central City: current provision, and design for future wellbeing.
    Report to Wellington City Council
  10. Kebbell, S.
    Nudging towards urban walkability in a car-dependent New Zealand neighbourhood.
    In M. Jones, L. Rice & F. Meraz (Eds.), Designing for health & wellbeing: Home, city, society.
    (pp. 87-108). Wilmington, USA: Vernon Press.
  11. Submission to Ministry for the Environment on ‘Our Climate Your Say: Consultation on the Zero Carbon Bill.
    New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities
  12. Housing, energy and health in resilient cities.
    In P. Howden-Chapman, L. Early & J. Ombler (Eds.), Cities in New Zealand: Preferences, patterns and possibilities.
    (pp. 95-106). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
  13. Rivera-Muñoz, G.
    Governance, democracy and environmental risk: Preparing for the future.
    In P. Howden-Chapman, L. Early & J. Ombler (Eds.), Cities in New Zealand: Preferences, patterns and possibilities.
    (pp. 41-50). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
  14. Cities in New Zealand: Preferences, patterns and possibilities.
  15. Rivera-Muñoz, G.
    Local councils and public consultation: Extending the reach of democracy.
    Policy Quarterly
    12(4), 20-27.
  16. Early, L. Hamer-Adams, A.
    In L. Early, P. Howden-Chapman & M. Russell (Eds.), Drivers of urban change.
    (pp. 7-14). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.