Paul Blaschke

Paul Blaschke is an independent environmental consultant and researcher based in Wellington. He has a background in ecology and environmental policy work, and more than 40 years’ experience in environmental management and applied ecology. In recent years Paul has been involved in wide-ranging projects related to applied urban ecology and nature-based climate change adaptation. He is particularly interested in the role of urban green spaces for sustainable urban form and human wellbeing.

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Key publications

  1. Gyde, E. Pedersen Zari, M. Perry, M.
    Current and future green space supply and demand in central Wellington City, New Zealand.
  2. Submission by the NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities on Our City Tomorrow: Wellington’s Draft Spatial Plan.
  3. Submission by the NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities on the RMA Issues and Options Paper, ‘Opportunities for Change’.
    Wellington, NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities
  4. Freeman, N. Gage, R. Chambers, T. Cook, H. Stanley, J. Signal, L.
    Where do the children play? An objective analysis of children’s use of green space.
    Health promotion international
    36(3), 846-853
  5. Pedersen Zari, M. Kiddle, L. Gawler, S. Loubser, D.
    Utilising nature-based solutions to increase resilience in Pacific Ocean Cities.
    Ecosystem Services
    38 (2019): doi 100968
  6. Gyde, E. Pedersen Zari, M. Perry, M.
    Green Space in Wellington’s Central City: current provision, and design for future wellbeing.
    Report to Wellington City Council
  7. Preval, N.
    Does population density affect access to and satisfaction with urban green and open spaces?
    Review for the Resilient Urban Futures programme strand on compact and dispersed development, NZCSC Policy Paper, NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities, Wellington