Libby Grant

Libby is a Research Fellow at the NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities. She is currently working in the Governance Strand of the Public Housing & Urban Regeneration: Maximising Wellbeing research programme. 

Her research interests include urban health, child safety on driveways and how effective regulation can improve the quality of rental housing.

Key publications

  1. New Zealand: Aotearoa New Zealand Cities Under Covid-19 - A Systems Perspective
    In P Howden-Chapman, F Gatzweiler, R Cooper & I Luginaah (Eds.), Cities Under COVID-19: A Systems Perspective.
    (pp.179-190). Springer Nature & Zhejiang University Press.
  2. He Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing.
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
  3. Improving Buildings, Cutting Carbon.
    Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts, Aotearoa