Key publications

  1. He Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing.
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
  2. Policy Changes: Kiribati migration and settlement.
    Policy Quarterly
    13, 2, pp.82-87
  3. Renting in New Zealand: perspectives from tenant advocates.
    Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences
    Volume 12, 2017 - Issue 1.
  4. The Application of Hirschman's Exit-voice Framework to Housing Studies: A Review and Some Ways Forward.
    Housing, Theory and Society
    Volume 33, 2016 - Issue 4.
  5. Heating practices and self-disconnection among electricity prepayment meter consumers in New Zealand: A follow-up survey.
    Utilities Policy
    41, 139-147.