What’s driving urban change in your city?
What if walking, bicycling and public transport, instead of roads and highways, were at the heart of urban life?
City residents are exposed to traffic-related air pollution, which affects respiratory and cardiovascular health and increases all-cause mortality. What does this mean for people in Wellington?
Location location location!
We held a seminar with speaker Julian Crane.
We held a seminar with speakers Rebecca Kiddle, Amanda Thomas and Morten Gjerde. What is a decolonised city?
We held a seminar with speakers Shaun Awatere and Keriata Stuart. How can kaupapa Māori elements help inform urban planning? What value can these elements add to mainstream urban planning?
We held a seminar with speaker Kay Saville-Smith. Sustainability is one of the buzz words of the moment when we talk about our cities. But what does it mean for an ageing population?
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