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New Zealand: Aotearoa New Zealand Cities Under Covid-19 - A Systems Perspective
In P Howden-Chapman, F Gatzweiler, R Cooper & I Luginaah (Eds.), Cities Under COVID-19: A Systems Perspective.
(pp.179-190). Springer Nature & Zhejiang University Press.
Shaw, C. McLeod, M. Mizdrak, A.
The Impact of Transport on Population Health and Health Equity for Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Prospective Burden of Disease Study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
19(4), 2032.
Placemaking and public housing: the state of knowledge and research priorities.
Housing Studies,
Housing: the key infrastructure to achieving health and wellbeing in urban environments.
Oxford Open Infrastructure and Health,
Gatzweiler, F.
A New Interdisciplinary Science Plan for Urban Health and Wellbeing in an Age of Increasing Complexity.
Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
36(2), 21—26.
Does the proportion of public housing tenants in a community affect their wellbeing? Results from New Zealand: A retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data
Situmorang, M. L. Coppell, K. J. Smith, M. Mandic, S.
Adolescents’ School Travel and Unhealthy Snacking: Associations with School Transport Modes, Neighbourhood Deprivation, and Body Weight
14(12), 7038.
Increasing active travel to work: sub-analyses of a quasi-experimental study of an intervention to encourage walking and cycling.
New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand.


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