We held a seminar with speaker Kay Saville-Smith. Sustainability is one of the buzz words of the moment when we talk about our cities. But what does it mean for an ageing population? How important is the built environment for older people and their ability to live well in their own homes and communities for longer? View the event video.

Housing is central to sustaining our communities and built environments in good times and bad, this is particularly so for older people. This seminar focuses on older people and the importance of built environments which promote older people’s independence and their on-going social, economic and cultural contribution to communities.

Presentation, Kay Saville-Smith, Sustainable Cities in an Ageing Society, pdf


Kay Saville-Smith


Kay Saville-Smith is a sociologist and director of the Centre for Research, Evaluation and Social Assessment – CRESA. Kay has undertaken extensive research into housing markets, housing demand, retirement villages, accessible housing, sustainable housing, the residential building industry and neighbourhood built environments. She currently leads two programmes in the National Science Challenge Building Better Homes Towns and Cities – one focused on the reasons why we fail to build what we all believe we should be building, and the other looking at how the production of lower quartile value housing can be reinvigorated. She also leads a programme in the National Science Challenge Ageing Well which focuses on the tenure revolution and its implications in the face of an ageing society.

See www.cresa.co.nz or www.goodhomes.co.nz for more information on Kay’s work.

This seminar took place on Wednesday 18 October 2017 at Adam Auditorium, City Gallery, 101 Wakefield St, Wellington.

For more information please contact libby.grant@otago.ac.nz.

Behaviour Change Health Housing & Building NZ Policy Urban design & planning