Location location location! In this seminar speakers Arthur Grimes and Philip S Morrison discuss the important attributes of places for people’s decisions of where to live; and what this tells us about the features local policy-makers should emphasise in their development and planning decisions. See the video.
What are the important features we take into account when we choose a place to live? In this seminar Arthur presents an analysis of what these winning attributes are and while this analysis uses Australian data, we can expect similar issues to be at the core of New Zealanders’ decisions of where they choose to live, work and play.These findings have implications for whether the “four wellbeings” that were at the heart of the Local Government Act 2002 (and which were removed from the Act in 2012) should have been retained. Philip will then summarise his recent research into subjective wellbeing as it relates to migration within New Zealand, differences in wellbeing across the major urban centres and the relationship between the two.
Presentations (PDF)
- Arthur Grimes is a Senior Fellow at Motu Research, an Adjunct Professor of Economics at Victoria University of Wellington, Board Member of the Financial Markets Authority, and chairs the Hugo Group. He was Reserve Bank of New Zealand Chair from 2003–2013. Prior to his time at Motu, Arthur was Director of the Institute of Policy Studies (Victoria University of Wellington), Chief Executive of Southpac, and Chief Economist at both the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the National Bank of New Zealand. In 2005, Arthur was awarded the NZIER Economics Award recognising excellence in economics related to New Zealand’s economic welfare. His current research centres on urban economics, the economics of wellbeing, and aspects of central banking (including exchange rates and currency union).
- Philip S Morrison is Professor of Human Geography in the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He undertakes research into subjective wellbeing, economic geography (labour and housing markets), social inequality and population geography. He received a PhD degree in geography from the University of Toronto and a Master of Arts from Victoria University of Wellington (VUW).
Philip refers to a number of papers in his talk which we have provided links for below:
- Clark W, P S Morrison (2012) Socio-spatial Mobility and Residential Sorting: Evidence from a Large-scale Survey (pdf), Urban Studies, 49, 15, 3253–3270, November
- Morrison P S, W Clark (2011) Internal migration and employment: macro flows and micro motives (pdf), Environment and Planning A, 43, 1948-1964
- Morrison P S, W Clark (2016) Loss aversion and duration of residence (pdf), DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH, 35, 36, 1079-1100, October
- Morrison P S (2016) Pride in the city (pdf), Region, 3, 2, 103-124
This seminar took place on 31 May 2017 at Adam Auditorium, City Gallery, 101 Wakefield St, Wellington.
For more information please contact libby.grant@otago.ac.nz.