Publication or Resource

New Zealand: Aotearoa New Zealand Cities Under Covid-19 - A Systems Perspective
In P Howden-Chapman, F Gatzweiler, R Cooper & I Luginaah (Eds.), Cities Under COVID-19: A Systems Perspective.
(pp.179-190). Springer Nature & Zhejiang University Press.
Rotmann, S. Ambrose, A. Karlin, B. Forster, H. Mundaca, L.
To what Extent has Covid‑19 Impacted Hard‑to‑reach Energy Audiences?
BEHAVE 2020-2021the 6th European Conference on Behaviour Change for Energy Efficiency
Baum, F. Freeman, T. Musolino, C. Abramovitz, M. De Ceukelaire, W. Flavel, J. Friel, S. Giugliani, C. Huong, N.T. London, L. McKee, M. Popay, J. Serag, H. Vilar, E.
Explaining covid-19 performance: what factors might predict national responses?
Gatzweiler, F. Cooper, R. Luginaah, I.
Cities Under COVID-19: A Systems Perspective.


Covid response reveals hidden homelessness. Calls for national strategy


Lynn Freeman talks to Clare Aspinall at the University of Otago in Wellington who is currently researching the benefits and challenges of using the Housing First approach in a New Zealand context o

Self-isolating for coronavirus is impossible for tens of thousands of New Zealanders – unless we help them fast.


Clare Aspinall discusses the difficulty of self-isolation for those with inadequate housing on The Conversation.

Rethinking breathing: How to end the pandemic

Newspaper article
Researcher Dr Julie Bennett outlines the importance of good indoor air quality to health and how to achieve it.

High inflation forces families to choose between basics


Dr Kimberley O'Sullivan, Otago University researcher at He Kāinga Oranga, Housing and Health Research Programme, was interviewed by Māni Dunlop for Radio New Zealand’s Midday Report on 18 October 2

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