Elinor Chisholm 2022

Elinor is a Senior Research Fellow for the Housing and Health Research Programme at the University of Otago, Wellington. She completed doctoral research in 2016 on individual and collective action for healthy housing in New Zealand. She is currently working on research projects looking at housing quality assessment, rental housing regulation, and the effect of housing interventions on health.

Key publications

  1. He Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing.
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
  2. Placemaking and public housing: the state of knowledge and research priorities.
    Housing Studies,
  3. Does the proportion of public housing tenants in a community affect their wellbeing? Results from New Zealand: A retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data
  4. What is a Mixed-tenure Community? Views from New Zealand Practitioners and Implications for Researchers.
    Urban Policy and Research,
    39(1), 33-47.
  5. Perceived benefits and risks of developing mixed communities in New Zealand: Implementer perspectives.
    Urban Research & Practice.
    Advance online publication.
  6. Baby it's hot outside: Balancing health risks and energy efficiency when parenting during extreme heat events.
    Energy Research & Social Science
    66, 101480.
  7. Nilsson, M. Griggs, D. et al.
    Mapping interactions between Sustainable Development Goals: lessons learned and ways forward.
    Sustainability Science
    13, 1489–1503.
  8. Setting Housing Standards to Improve Global Health.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health
    14,12, 1542.
  9. Housing, energy and health in resilient cities.
    In P. Howden-Chapman, L. Early & J. Ombler (Eds.), Cities in New Zealand: Preferences, patterns and possibilities.
    (pp. 95-106). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
  10. Renting in New Zealand: perspectives from tenant advocates.
    Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences
    Volume 12, 2017 - Issue 1.
  11. The Application of Hirschman's Exit-voice Framework to Housing Studies: A Review and Some Ways Forward.
    Housing, Theory and Society
    Volume 33, 2016 - Issue 4.
  12. Towards an agreed quality standard for rental housing: Development of a New Zealand housing WOF tool.
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
    40, 5, 405-411.