Brodie Fraser 2024

Brodie’s PhD research explored the intersection of Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ identities and experiences of homelessness in Aotearoa. They have a background in political science, and their previous research has looked at the political participation of LGBTIQ+ youth. Brodie has experience working in parliamentary politics, and has a strong activist background. They are passionate about creating positive social change and addressing social, economic, and cultural inequalities.



Key publications

  1. The impact of transitions from emergency housing to public housing in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    Discover Public Health,
    21, 189.
    Fasoro, A., Yu, C., Bierema, S. et al. The Impacts of transitions from emergency to public housing in Aotearoa NZ.
  2. Jiang, T. Nelson, J. McMinn, C. Hawkes, K. Atatoa Carr, P. Pehi, T. Schick, K.
    Five-Year Post-Housing Outcomes for a Housing First Cohort in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
    International Journal on Homelessness, 2024, 4(1): page 1-17
    4(1), 1-17.
  3. Housing and urban regeneration in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    Public Health Communication Centre,
    Public Health Priority Series 21 February 2023.
  4. He Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing.
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
  5. Chun, S. Johnson, E. McMinn, C.
    Post-housing first outcomes amongst a cohort of formerly homeless youth in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
  6. Submission on Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development (GPS-HUD).
    New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities, Wellington