Mark Apperley

Mark Apperley is Professor of Software Engineering at the University of Waikato, Hamilton. He originally studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Auckland, and completed a PhD there in computer processing of radio astronomy data. Through a post-doctoral research appointment at Imperial College, London, he became one of the early researchers in human-computer interaction, working on many of the techniques which are now standard parts of the everyday graphical user interface. He has since held positions at Waikato and Massey Universities, including periods as Head of Department and Dean at both.

For a large part of his academic career, the main focus of Mark’s research has been human-computer interaction (HCI) and information visualisation. However, over the past fifteen years he has also taken on a strong involvement in energy informatics, specifically the application of information and communications technology in renewable and efficient energy utilisation. His work in this area includes vehicle-to-grid technologies, community energy systems, and smart micro-grids. As well as his work as Energy Strand lead in the Public Housing and Urban Regeneration Programme, Mark is also aim lead for the community/factory-edge component of the Ahuora project at the University of Waikato: Delivering sustainable industry through smart process heat decarbonisation, and is working on the development of a smart microgrid for a Māori community on Aotea/Great Barrier Island.

Key publications

  1. Walmsley, M. Chapman, Ralph Taptiklis, P.
    The role of smart community microgrids in Aotearoa’s energy future
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
    Published online: 27 Jan 2025.
    The role of smart community microgrids in Aotearoa’s energy future
  2. Toki, T.
    An Islanded Community Solar Microgrid with Capability of Future Fractal Growth.
    Energy 2023: 13th International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies, IARIA, Barcelona, 13-17 March,
    pp. 29-35.
  3. Buresh, K. Booysen, M.
    Three shades of green: Perspectives on at-work charging of electric vehicles using photovoltaic carports.
    Energy for Sustainable Development,
    57, 132-140.
  4. Booysen, M. Engelbrecht, J Ritchie, J. Cloete, A.
    How much energy can optimal control of domestic water heating save?
    Energy for Sustainable Development,
    51, 73-85.
  5. Fractal-Structured Smart Microgrids: Exploring signals and protocols
    Energy 2019 Conference Proceedings, IARIA, Athens,
  6. Roux, M. Booysen, M.
    Comfort, peak load and energy: Centralised control of water heaters for demand-driven prioritization.
    Energy for Sustainable Development,
    44, 78-86. ISSN 0973-0826.
  7. Modelling energy balance and storage in the design of smart microgrids.
    Proc Energy 2017, Barcelona,
  8. Suppers, J.
    Interactive solar panel simulation tool – From GHI to PV output.
    Proceedings of Interact 2015 workshop: Fostering Smart Energy Applications (FSEA 2015), Bamberg, Germany,
  9. Monigatti, P. Suppers, J.
    Grid-Lite: A network integrated semi-autonomous local area electricity system.
    Proceedings 4th International Conference on Green IT Solutions (ICGreen 2015), Milan, Italy, 6 July. SciTePress,
  10. Donnelly, C. Mason, S.
    Gamifying the EV Driving Experience: A virtual electric vehicle to change public attitudes.
    Proceedings of the 28th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS28), Seoul, South Korea,
    May, 3-6.
  11. Suppers, J.
    Developing useful visualisations of domestic energy usage.
    Proceedings 7th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI), Sydney,
    August 5-8. ACM, 140-148.
  12. Alahmari, M.
    Tracking battery state-of-charge in a continuous use off-grid electricity system.
    Proceedings ITISE 2014, Granada,
    June, 556-569.
  13. Monigatti, P. Rogers, B.
    Smart Energy Interfaces for Electric Vehicles.
    Proceedings of the AVI 2014 Workshop on Fostering Smart Energy Applications through Advanced Visual Interfaces. FSEA '14,
    May 27 2014, Como, Italy. Published as University of Waikato Computer Science Working Paper, 01/2014, 39-42.