Bus stop bypasses

Keren is a student at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) and a member of the New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities. Her research was done in collaboration with Wellington City Council (WCC) as part of VUW’s summer scholarship programme, and co-supervised by VUW’s Associate Professor Ralph Chapman and WCC’s Principal Advisor Transport Strategy, Nadine Dodge. The key aim of the research was to gather feedback from cyclists and pedestrians about their perceived safety when using a range of bypass designs. A core purpose  of this was to shed light on whether or not current bypass designs contribute to making public and active transport modes pleasant to use, and therefore attractive alternatives to taking a car.

The research has already been shared on several platforms. Nadine published a series of blog posts while Keren presented the research to a receptive audience at the Waka Kotahi Transport Conference 2021. The findings have also contributed to informing Waka Kotahi’s National Public Transport Design Guidance on Bus Stop Design. Read the full report.