We held a seminar with speakers Julie Bennett and Perry Davy on the importance of indoor air quality. We know that poor outdoor air quality can affect our health but why are we unaware that indoor air quality matters as much, if not more? See the video.

Most urban dwellers spend around 90% of their time indoors either at home, work or in an educational facility. When air quality is poor, the exposure to pollutants is prolonged, and the occupant’s health can be adversely affected. Indoor air is generally more contaminated than outdoor air by the order of several magnitudes. This seminar will provide an introduction to what air pollution is and what issues are unique to New Zealand homes and schools.

Presentations (PDF)

Indoor air quality image


  • Julie Bennett is a Research Fellow in the Department of Public Health at Otago University, Wellington. Dr Bennett has a wide range of public health research interests, with a particular focus on the health impacts of poor quality air. Her previous research has focused on indoor air quality in homes and schools and the impact this has on the health of children.
  • Perry Davy is an atmospheric science and information analysis researcher at the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS Science). His work focuses on the chemical composition and sources of air pollution and how that might impact on human health and the environment. This has included examining both outdoor and indoor air quality and the interaction between the two.

This seminar took place on Wednesday 28 August 2019 at the Adam Auditorium, City Gallery, 101 Wakefield St, Wellington.

For more information please contact libby.grant@otago.ac.nz.

Health Housing & Building NZ Policy